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Taochuan Korean style casual hooded knitted dress

Taochuan Korean style casual hooded knitted dress

SKU: YL1097

滔川韩系休闲连帽针织连衣裙 (YL1097)

30%腈纶22%尼龙20%粘胶28%涤纶面料 (米白,咖色,红色,燕麦,灰色和黑色)



胸围96cm, 袖长64cm, 裙长70cm


Taochuan Korean style casual hooded knitted dress (YL1097)

30% acrylic 22% nylon 20% viscose 28% polyester fabric (off-white, coffee, red, oatmeal, gray and black)


One size 

Bust 96cm, sleeve length 64cm, skirt length 70cm

  • Note:

    All measurements in cm. Please 1-3 cm differences in the measurements given due to different stretchable of the material and the way measurement is taken.

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